Sunday, November 27, 2011

Wikis Lab

We all know what Wikipedia is so I will not bore us with details on an explanation. I recently added my first contribution to Wikipedia, creating a page for my school district, Camden-Frontier Schools. I found in my research that the only one school in my county has a Wikipedia entry, so after today it makes two! I need to get some exact numbers and facts from my school to add to the page to make it complete. 

Through completion of the Wiki Lab for CEP 811, I found that Wikis can be very useful in the classroom. I was introduced to Wikis earlier in the semester but did not explore all the options nor fully understand the use a Wiki. I cannot wait to share this knowledge with my colleagues. Wikis allow you to create a functional website that is easily updated within a matter of minutes. Wiki-spaces would be a great way to create departmental pages for schools where students could find general information on a specific department, yet teachers could create individual pages for each class, where students could find more specific information. The wiki could also be easily used for online communication with students and educators. I created a wiki-space for the art department at Camden-Frontier, where I teach. I am the only teacher in the department, but I plan to create a page for each course as well as one for the after school art club, V.A.C. ( Visual Artists Society) I am using the main page as a welcome page in which you can find important dates and events pertaining to the art department. Here is the link to my Wiki-space.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you find the wiki useful for your teaching. It can become an excellent communication and collaboration tool!
