Lacey Spieth
CEP 800
Fall 2012
Lesson: Digital Graffiti: Illustrating a Social Issue
Course: Digital Arts
Grade Level: 9-12
Michigan Content Standards and Benchmarks:ART.II.VA.HS.6 Create media productions that demonstrate knowledge, contexts, values and aesthetics.
Content: The high school students will learn the definition and history of graffiti. Students will be able to answer the following questions:
“What is graffiti?”
“What is the definition of “modern” graffiti?”
“When did street art begin being appreciated as “art” and shown in galleries?
Students will also use prior knowledge of the online program, to create a digital grafitti wall to illustrate a social issue, such as poverty or gay rights. The students will be introduced to a new program, to produce graffiti styled text to incorporate in their Pixlr document.
Pedagogy: The learners will participate in cognitive constructivism using prior knowledge in design and using Pixlr to construct their learning in a visual product.
Reaching different learners:
-Auditory: Lecture/Step by Step Instructions (Print out provided as well)
-Visual: Video, PowerPoint, and Demonstration on Smartboard
-Kinetic: Students will apply the knowledge learned in a digital arts project
Content Pedagogy:
Using a mind capture will get the students attention and grab their interest in the topic before beginning the lecture.
Mind Capture: Learners will watch a video from Vimeo in which an artist who used graffiti and stop motion animation. (Big Bang Big Boom By: Blu)
The lecture will consist of a PowerPoint that will allow for visual and auditory learners alike to understand the teaching on the history of graffiti. The presentation was taken from and edited in PowerPoint. the presentation contains a timeline that shows the progression of graffiti as well as its meaning. Below is the link to the presentation on Slideshare before teacher editing. lesson will conclude with a step by step demonstration that will guide the students through producing their own graffiti styled digital art, which will illustrate a social issue. The students will have a visual, auditory and print copy of the directions in order to fully understand the steps needed to use the Pixlr and GraffitiCreator application.
Video used for mind capture to gain students’ interest.
Presentation used to teach the history of Graffiti.
Online image editor in which students will create their digital piece.
Online application to create graffiti inspired text which will be placed into their pixlr document.
-SmartBoard: Interactive whiteboard to show the above programs and demonstration.
This lesson is highly dependent on technology to teach this lesson without technology would alter the lesson into a completely different lesson. The pixlr program is the most essential piece, although without the other components it would not be as successful of a lesson.
Technology & Pedagogy:
The technology chosen allows for students to build on prior learning and construct a visual representation of the information learned. The students will use the technology as a tool to produce an art piece with deeper learning of graffiti and social aspects in art.
Technology & Content:
The technology chosen to teach the information will assist in student understanding by keeping the students attention and adding visual aspects to the lecture piece.
Students will be assessed by observation, participation and production of a final product. Their participation and interaction in the lecture portion will allow the instructor to assess their understanding on the subject. The students final product will be assessed using a rubric with critical pieces: Creativity: Did the students use creativity when creating the piece?
Digital Craftsmanship: Did the student use good editing skills when producing the pixlr documents with multiple layers?
Completion: Did the student fully complete the project, does it illustrate a social issue? Does it have a style of graffiti inspired art?
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